Our clients get amazing results with audience data.
Brands that need to reach people on the home journey are using audience data to reach their target customers and hit their goals. Reach out to learn more about ways we can work together.

New memberships at targeted locations increased
by more than 10%.

Sam’s Club was able to drive new memberships well above their current rate of acquisition, combining geo-fencing and audience data to find new homeowners in the area that were not already existing members.
Customer acquisition costs for qualified new home and refinance loans decreased
by more than 30%.

Guaranteed Rate saw a dramatic increase in application approvals, effectively decreasing their acquisition costs, using Audience Town’s unique intelligence to find qualified customers looking for new home loans or to refinance existing homes.
Click through rates
were 3x higher than the digital
media average.

Holt Homes, a large regional home builder, used audience data to find potential new home buyers only once they were ready to look. In the process, their cost per lead average decreased by as much as 50%.
Customer acquisition costs for qualified apartment home leases decreased by 64%.

AMLI was able to increase qualified candidates who were on the hunt for a new apartment home, effectively decreasing acquisition costs, by using audience data to reach renters using geo-targeting and prompt mobile strategies.
Retargeting home movers after streaming TV exposure produced:
Click-through rate 4x the industry average
Conversion rate increase of nearly 25%

Miller & Smith, a Builder of the Year winner, was able to increase site visits and conversions by using audience data to find potential new home buyers and renters within a targeted area and deliver impactful messaging on premium connected television.
Drove 28% more interest using fresh mover data on Facebook

In month one, Sunrun was able to drive the highest conversion rate amongst three audiences—28% higher — using audience data. By month three, they were able to beat the cost-per-conversion goal, at 12% lower.