Understand how much of your audience and web traffic is predicted to buy a home based on relevant life events. Adjust your positioning as needed to amplify genuine interest in your offerings and boost conversions.

Life events that trigger a move can be both planned and unexpected, helping your team to engage audiences with changing housing needs, preferences, and locations. Measuring your website traffic lets you direct your marketing to true in-market movers and ramps up your ROI.

Some life events that increase the likelihood to move:

Job Relocation or Career Opportunities

Job transfers, promotions, new employment opportunities, or career changes often result in relocations to different cities, states, or countries.

Natural Disasters or Environmental Factors

Evacuations, property damage, environmental risks, climate considerations, or relocating due to natural disasters may result in moves to safer areas, regions, or housing options.

Marriage or Partnership

Combining households often necessitates a move to accommodate shared living arrangements, proximity to workplaces, family, or lifestyle preferences.

Relationship Changes

Divorce, separation, ending partnerships, or changing living arrangements may result in individuals seeking new housing, locations, or living situations.

Growing Family

Expanding families due to childbirth or adoption may require larger living spaces, family-friendly neighborhoods, school districts, or amenities suitable for children.

Empty Nesting

Children moving out of the family home may prompt parents to downsize, relocate to smaller residences, or transition to retirement communities.


Retirement may lead individuals or couples to move for lifestyle changes, downsizing, relocating to retirement communities, warmer climates, or closer to family.

Home Journey

Confirmed Mover

Home Journey

In-Market To Move