Understanding your audience’s income level helps you evaluate your success at targeting the right people for your price points. Save time and money by optimizing your marketing efforts, client satisfaction, market penetration, and business success.

Income level categories provide real estate professionals with valuable insights to develop targeted marketing strategies, client relationships, property listings, financial solutions, and market opportunities.

Some income level categories:

High-Income Households

Affluent individuals, executives, entrepreneurs, or investors seeking luxury properties, upscale neighborhoods, premium amenities, investment opportunities, or lifestyle focus on financial status, preferences, and exclusive requirements.

Middle-Income Households

Working professionals, families, or couples, desirable locations, mortgage affordability, lifestyle aspirations, and long-term goals.

Low-Income Households

Individuals or families with limited financial resources seeking affordable housing options, rental properties, subsidized housing programs, or first-time homebuyer assistance to meet basic living needs, stability, and homeownership aspirations.

Fixed-Income Retirees and Seniors

Retirees, seniors, downsizing options, retirement communities, active adult lifestyles, age-restricted properties, or financial planning assistance tailored to their income levels, retirement goals, healthcare considerations, and lifestyle preferences.




Age & Gender


Household Size